Friday, March 13, 2009

Rainy start to spring break!

So today was my last day of class and spring break has begun. Well actually yesterday was because I had to miss class today to go to the eye doctor (oh joy!). It has been raining for the last three days, yuck. I am ready for sunshine and the spring weather to return. Luckily it will but not for a couple of days. I get to enjoy most of my break packing for our move! It won't be so bad because this is the move I have been praying for, for years. The kids will have their own room and I will have more room for everything. Not to mention an acre of land to run and play!! I can't wait! That is it! I have taken 3 exams and a huge midterm in the past week all of which I did pretty well on (in my opinion). I can't wait to share pics of our new home soon!
So on to other things! I get to photograph a cute little one on Sunday and am so excited. I also want to share a logo I made for myself. Nothing fancy because I am not the best in designs but I like it. And to end my post for the day a fun pic of our day with Sheri and Emily. The kids were so crazy silly that day

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