Thursday, March 26, 2009

The big move!

I am so happy that our big move is drawing closer. We should officially be in our new house in about 2 weeks. I have been busy packing in the meantime. In between I am having to be Mom, wife, and student. Thank goodness I haven't had any huge tests to study for this week. I do have one next week though. Anyways, here are some not so great pics of our new house that sits on one acre of land (I really should go get better pics but this will do for now). This is a front and back view. The backside has some brush that needs cleaned up and the cars aren't usually parked there but were for that

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Baseball season has begun!

Tyler has been playing baseball for 5 years and select ball for 2 years now and it is still as exciting as it was the first day! Mason is in tball this season again but he can't wait for coach pitch. He says that tball is boring and he already knows how to! Tyler had his first tournament a week and half ago. He did great!! I can't wait for the next game! Here are some pics of his game! His team is the Tribe!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sweet baby girls!

So meet Misses K and K. Aren't they the cutest baby girls! I had the privilege to photograph them and it was a great learning experience and loads of fun. The oldest is almost 5 months old and the youngest is right at 3 months old. So here are a few shots from the session.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Rainy start to spring break!

So today was my last day of class and spring break has begun. Well actually yesterday was because I had to miss class today to go to the eye doctor (oh joy!). It has been raining for the last three days, yuck. I am ready for sunshine and the spring weather to return. Luckily it will but not for a couple of days. I get to enjoy most of my break packing for our move! It won't be so bad because this is the move I have been praying for, for years. The kids will have their own room and I will have more room for everything. Not to mention an acre of land to run and play!! I can't wait! That is it! I have taken 3 exams and a huge midterm in the past week all of which I did pretty well on (in my opinion). I can't wait to share pics of our new home soon!
So on to other things! I get to photograph a cute little one on Sunday and am so excited. I also want to share a logo I made for myself. Nothing fancy because I am not the best in designs but I like it. And to end my post for the day a fun pic of our day with Sheri and Emily. The kids were so crazy silly that day