Monday, August 16, 2010

Sneak Peek-The cutest kids ever, including a sweet one year old-Candice Thomas Keller Haslet Roanoke Photographer

Oh my gosh these kids were just too cute and so wonderful! One year old G was full of grins and so great! He really enjoyed playing in the dirt once he discovered it. His siblings A and H were just as wonderful, posing like naturals. And can I say these kids did all this in 100+ degree heat, the sweat was pouring but worth it. I can't wait to finish editing this session! I hope their parents enjoy the sneak peek! Thanks again so much for battling the horrible heat!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sneak Peek! A Fun Sibling Session-Candice Thomas Roanoke Photographer

A fun session full of the cutest kids! Oh my gosh they were so cute and great! Such troopers to get out in the 100 degree heat and let me take some wonderful pics! Thanks so much to the C Family for being so cooperative and taking the heat! Enjoy!