Monday, December 20, 2010

Wow, long time!

It has been awhile since I updated my blog, so sorry. I have been busy with nursing school and Christmas photo session. Check out my recent work on my facebook fan page which is under Candice Thomas Photography. I will be open for sessions again starting in Feburary. If you would like to have some spring pictures done let me know! Thanks!! Until then have a very Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sneak Peek-The cutest kids ever, including a sweet one year old-Candice Thomas Keller Haslet Roanoke Photographer

Oh my gosh these kids were just too cute and so wonderful! One year old G was full of grins and so great! He really enjoyed playing in the dirt once he discovered it. His siblings A and H were just as wonderful, posing like naturals. And can I say these kids did all this in 100+ degree heat, the sweat was pouring but worth it. I can't wait to finish editing this session! I hope their parents enjoy the sneak peek! Thanks again so much for battling the horrible heat!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sneak Peek! A Fun Sibling Session-Candice Thomas Roanoke Photographer

A fun session full of the cutest kids! Oh my gosh they were so cute and great! Such troopers to get out in the 100 degree heat and let me take some wonderful pics! Thanks so much to the C Family for being so cooperative and taking the heat! Enjoy!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Photo shoot with my own kiddos and friends!

We had a fun outing the other day with friends and of course had to shoot some photos. Everything was going great until Haley bumped her eye on an old fire truck that they were posing on. She cut it a little and of course is now sporting a nice black eye! Thank goodness she was okay and only cried for a few minutes. She was back to worrying about what treats she was going to get for modeling very quickly.hehe! So here are some of the shots I managed to get!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sneak peek Baby D! Oh the newborn sweetness!! Candice Thomas Keller DFW Photographer

I was so excited to be able to have a session with this sweet newborn princess. She was so tiny and super super easy! She slept like a champ and was so squishy! She did most of the poses I tried to put her in with no more than a little peep! Oh and check out that sweet head of red hair! Congrats to the lucky mommy and daddy! Here is sweet baby D!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sneak Peek, baby O!!!

Oh boy was this little guy so cute and squishy!! I had so much fun with him and his family! He took a bit to get to sleep because he was too busy checking things out and of course wanting to nurse. As soon as he was finally content and fast asleep I got a couple cute shots. We tried the tummy but he wasn't having that! I think the ones I got are just as cute though!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Gorgeous H Family! So fun!

Here is a sneak peek of a fun family session from yesterday!! Happy Mother's Day Niki, I hope you love them!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

New website coming soon!!!!

I have a new website coming soon! Just be patient with me while I work out any glitches and get things rolling. I am still booking sessions and offering free session fees this month so call or email me! I have also decided to give an extra 20% discount off your order during this month. Thanks so much!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Portfolio Building Sale-Keller,Roanoke, DFW Photographer!

I am looking for new faces for my portfolio and would love to photograph your little one, teen, or family! So if you book between now and the end of May I am offering FREE session fees!! I do all natural light and we can meet at a location agreed upon! This is the perfect time of year to get pictures done. The weather is mild, the grass and trees are green, and the wildflowers are blooming! Please email or call me to book a session. My info is located on the left hand side of this page.

Now for some recent shots of my princess! I think she is getting tired of being my model. Most of the time I have her attention for all of ten seconds. The other day I tried to get her to let me take some shots of her as the sun was setting but all she wanted to do was run off with the boys and play baseball. So don't let the crown in the picture fool you. She is all tomboy most of the time!haha. We also ran out the other day with a friend to a fun little location, again Haley wasn't much on modeling but I ended up with a couple cute ones.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fun with the girls!

I hung out with a great friend and her little girl today and we had a little photo shoot! The girls had fun! Haley was a bit of a sassy pants as you will see in the photos.haha! The location was just amazing and I can't wait to go back. Hopefully I can get the boys to pose for a few pictures!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bluebonnets and warm sunshine!!

The days are getting warmer, the sun is shining, and the bluebonnets are blooming!! The perfect setting for a perfect picture!!! If you want to have some great bluebonnets portraits done, or any other wildflower for that matter, let me know! I have plenty of openings to set up some sessions! Email me at or call me at 817-400-1454! Here are some of my bluebonnets I have blooming in the yard and a few of Haley enjoying the warm sun!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Easter is just around the corner!!

I found this gorgeous dress that I think Haley will wear for Easter! Of course she has several others in her closet to choose from, oh choices! I am so excited for spring and spring clothing. The kids have informed me that they want bunnies for Easter, we shall see about that. Our little cold snap this past weekend won't deter me from my excitement for warmer weather! It is supposed to be gorgeous and sunny pretty much all week! Great time of the year for pictures! Let me know if anyone is interested in having some spring pictures done!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Come on Spring!!

The weather is getting warmer and the sun is starting to shine! Here are some recent pictures of Haley enjoying the warmer weather. I am also posting two sweet girls I photographed before Christmas. They are the most gorgeous and spirited girls!! I am so excited for spring weather and spring pictures!! I am free schedule wise until summer time so if you are interested in some pictures let me know! Email me at or call me at 817-400-1454! Also I will have a real website coming soon. I just need to do a bit more searching for the perfect one!