Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Flowers and Mohawks!

So Mason got his hair cut last week and I just have to say that it is adorable. We spiked it up in a little mohawk the other day and it was too cute. Of course lately he just wants to wear it as is. I have convinced him to spike it up for school once this week though! Haley and I ventured to a little vacant lot near my house for a few quick pics, which of course lasted maybe 5 minutes. She just doesn't last long these days for pictures. I was also trying to get some great pics for my assignment in my film class. It is going great, I am really enjoying developing my own negatives and printing my own B&W prints! My new assignment is going to be real fun! I hope everyone is doing well and getting a taste of fall!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fall is getting closer!!

We had a cold front move through giving us our first taste of Fall!! I love it! Fall is my favorite time of year. I can't wait for the Holidays and time with family! For now I am busy with classes and getting the boys to football! I hope to get some great Fall pictures this year of my family and many others! Here are a couple recent pics of Haley and one of a little girl I used to babysit from last Fall.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rain, rain and more rain!

It has rained for what seems like forever now but really about 5 days. I am actually enjoying it! I love the cooler weather and the sound of the rain falling! It just makes it hard to get out and shoot. I did make Haley go out today and got a couple cute pics of her with her umbrella! I am still open for sessions for anyone needing some pictures done. Just email me at!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Time to start thinking about the Holidays!!!

With the Holidays quickly approaching don't forget to get that perfect picture and Holiday cards done! Book a session now! Here was our card from last year. I have many more templates to choose from! For those that love Halloween I can do pictures of your little one in their adorable Halloween costume! Once the trees start turning they create a gorgeous backdrop for Fall pictures!! Give me a call at 817-807-73377 or send me an email at