Sunday, August 30, 2009

Could it be? A break from the heat!

Okay for most this is down right hot but for us Texans the past couple of days have been a break from the 100 degree heat! The past mornings have just been so great, temps in the upper 60's. The afternoons bearable at barely 90! Haley, Tyler and I took a trip today and shot in some of my favorite locations! Mason decided he wanted to stay home with Daddy :). Tyler was my big helper and wanted to hold my reflector (really one of my first times using it since I usually don't have a helper on hand). I got some great shots of Haley. You will have to wait to see them in color and in all their glory. They are model pics for a line of clothing coming soon! I did get some shots of her in some of her usual clothes too though (the color ones I posted)! Tyler even posed for one picture, that was all he was good for, then he was done.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

School AGAIN!!!hehe

Well summer has ended, although the Texas heat does not know that, and school has once again begun. The kids are really enjoying being back and Haley is just loving her preschool. I am taking 14 hours this semester and have my work cut out for me that is for sure. I am taking a photography class (there is always room for improvement, right?). I actually hope to gain a lot of knowledge from it and think it will be a blast. It is all film, which to me is very new. I remember being in high school and shooting film but I ran it to the store to get developed. Well now I get to learn how to develop my own negatives and make my own prints from them. Sounds fun, huh?? I think it will be. Other than the school load I am busy with the boys and football and always trying to entertain Miss Priss Haley! She did a little photoshoot for me the other day and while she wasn't too happy for most of it I managed to get a few decent shots while the others quickly got deleted. Now that is the amazing thing with digital.haha! With film I am afraid I will be wasting a lot of paper and rolls of film(hopefully not too much)!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Overdue come back! A fun new prop!

Sorry I am long overdue for posting. We were without internet for a few weeks and it really has been too hot here to get outside with the camera. Haley started preschool this past week and is beyond excited with it! She just loves it!! Summer is almost over for the boys and I as well. We just have one more week and classes start back up. I am ready for the routine but not quite ready for all the studying I am going to have to do. Mason and Tyler also start football this week. This will be Tyler's second season and Mason's first. Mason is so excited to play and I cannot wait to watch him! So on to photography. Haley and I had the evening alone the other day so we went to the park to do a little shoot. I had to use the cute new suitcase prop I found. Sadly Haley would have rather played on the playground than take pics so the shoot didn't last long. Maybe next time!