Okay for most this is down right hot but for us Texans the past couple of days have been a break from the 100 degree heat! The past mornings have just been so great, temps in the upper 60's. The afternoons bearable at barely 90! Haley, Tyler and I took a trip today and shot in some of my favorite locations! Mason decided he wanted to stay home with Daddy :). Tyler was my big helper and wanted to hold my reflector (really one of my first times using it since I usually don't have a helper on hand). I got some great shots of Haley. You will have to wait to see them in color and in all their glory. They are model pics for a line of clothing coming soon! I did get some shots of her in some of her usual clothes too though (the color ones I posted)! Tyler even posed for one picture, that was all he was good for, then he was done.