Saturday, May 30, 2009

Slowly getting there

I have committed myself to my photography this summer and pray that I will have a site running by the end of it. I ran accross this site explaining custom photography and enjoyed it so much. It is all so true. Here is the website for anyone interested, I know I thoroughly enjoy capturing those special moments in life whatever they may be. I love to come home and upload them to see exactly what moment I caught. It is amazing how many things a little picture can say or what they mean to one person. I just enjoy photography so much. I have a newborn to do this week and I am super excited. I had done one before and she was so much fun. I think the end results were great and Mom and Dad really loved them. For me to offer my perspective to someone is just amazing. Here are some of my favorite pictures of my newborn back in January. I can't wait to share the one from later this week!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The countdown begins......

Only one more week until the boys are out of school and summer is officially in full swing. I am excited and of course the kids are too!!! We have been busy with baseball these past few weeks. Mason finished his season but Tyler has a bit to go. We had a great Memorial day weekend with friends and family. Mason got to go with Dad and Papa fishing, he was so excited that he had no problems getting out of bed at 5 am to go. Now that is a true fisherman there. No way you could get me out of bed at 5 am to fish. I have been getting the camera out more and using my only half way willing model to do some mini shoots. Haley wanted to wear her gold princess gown the other day so we went out back and had some fun. I managed to get a few cute ones. Mostly though Haley had this horrified look on her face because there were bugs in the grass.haha. My sister is flying in today so I will spend the rest of the week with her and my niece, and hope to get some great pics of them as well!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gorgeous weather

I am enjoying being out of school and having free time to work around the house. On top of it all the weather here has been gorgeous with perfect temps! We have done so much yard work around here and the place is starting to look really great! I snuck in some pics of Haley in between all our jobs around the house.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Summer is coming!

Only two more days left of classes! I can't wait to be free for the summer. So far school has gone well but it has really kept me busy and free from having a social life, or it could be all the baseball going on in the family as well. I hope to get back to my photography this summer! I have a month before the boys are out so I plan to use my time wisely. Life has been going well, just busy these days! Here are some pics I shot of Haley in the bluebonnets before they died off. They don't last long enough to really enjoy them :(. At least I have tons of other fun stuff to see bloom in my wonderful new yard. Right now the magnolia tree is loaded with blooms!