Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Lens!!

Whoohoo, my new lens came yesterday!!! I got a Sigma 24-70 2.8 and love it!!! I just got a few shots of the kids before they became unwilling models, but I hope to get more this weekend in between studying for two huge exams next week. Here are just a couple shots I got.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Seminar fun!

I had the privilege of going with my good friend Sheri to a Tots 2 Teens seminar last night. We had a lot of fun and learned quite a bit. I can't wait to put to use what I did learn although I know it will take some time. School is setting me back on starting a photography business but I hope to get something little started this summer. I have so much fun taking pictures and seeing the end result that I can just not do something with it! I have a new lens due to arrive today and cannot wait to go test it out. If it gets here early enough I will have to bribe Haley for some fun shots!!!
I posted a few more pictures from our downtown photoshoot a few weeks ago. I just now had time to go back through them. I love these so much!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Yay for Saturday's

I am so glad it is Saturday! School has been tough but fun at the same time. All my studying last week really paid off! I scored a 102 on my psychology exam and an 86 on my anatomy and physiology. The 86 was a very good grade for that class, a lot of students scored D's and lower. So I was pleased to say the least.

I wish I had more time for photography but I don't at the moment. Today would be a good day but it is cold and windy out. Maybe I will drag out the speed light and do some practice with it! Anyways, here is a cute pic of Haley the other day just chillin out. She is so photogenic, unlike the boys who run when they see the camera!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Test day!

Wow is all I have to say! It has been a long time since I had to take a test and boy was I nervous. I had two major exams today, one for anatomy and physiology and the other for psychology. I studied so much the last two days that I think my brain turned to mush. I know the studying paid off for my psych test though, the scores are up and I scored a 102 (love extra credit). Still awaiting the A&P scores, I am praying that they are just as good as the psych but I have doubts about that. It is a tough class.

Valentine's day is tomorrow and I hope everyone has fun plans. We usually don't do much. I hope to have some romance though :). No pics for today. I haven't had time to break out the camera this week. Maybe tomorrow!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fun day in downtown

Well not really downtown in a major city but the town I live in. A friend and I took the kids for a little shoot yesterday! It was a lot of fun but frustrating at the same time. My kids do not listen to me at all. I need to learn to relax and just shoot them in their natural motion. Which for Haley was picking up sticks and swinging them and throwing rocks for Mason. All in all it was a successful day and I got a few cute shots! My only complaint is that I wish Tyler had been there so I could have gotten a shot of all three, but he was at baseball practice :(. Oh well at least these great spots are only a few minutes drive away!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Brain Overload

I think my brain is fried after my classes today. They want you to learn so much information in such a short period and be able to memorize it for a quiz the next class. Anatomy and Physiology is going to be the death of me. I can't process that much information and understand it, AHHHHH! Okay well I guess I can after hours and hours of studying but dang I have a life outside of school too, right?? Maybe I need to give up caring for my home and kids.LOL. I won't really but that is what one of the professors hinted was a way to pass the class. So for now I am going to unwind and let my brain rest (i.e, take a nap or zone out).